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Coping with Family Conflict - 5 Effective Strategies

Nov 02, 2023
5 Best Ways to Deal with Family Conflict

Five Ways to Deal with Family Conflict, according to Relationship Experts

Do you and your family have opposing views on all the important issues? Do you argue and fight about who is right and who is wrong?

If so, you are not alone.

Plenty of family get-togethers turn into shouting matches about politics, religion, social issues, and other matters, with everyone trying to get their point across in the most vociferous manner.


If the time you spend with your family is not as pleasant as it should be, and if your disagreements cause bitterness and resentment, it’s time to establish some ground rules so you can all enjoy a better relationship.

Accept the differences:  Unless your family member’s beliefs are morally or ethically repugnant to you, try to accept that they have a right to their opinions just as you are entitled to yours. Acceptance is like a truce — kind of “let’s get past it and get along.”

Discuss, don’t argue: If you and family member can have a non-confrontational conversation about controversial issues, then by all means do. It may not change anyone’s mind, but it might at least make all of you understand why you have these particular views. Seeing something from another perspective is always helpful.

Don’t “force” your opinions on others: You might genuinely believe that your relative is wrong in his beliefs, while you have all the right answers. Be it as it may, resist the urge to impose your views on others. This will only create conflict.

Seek common ground: While the differences between you and a family member might seem significant, once you start exploring deeper you might find that you actually share certain views, or at least agree on some of them.

Avoid “taboo” subjects: When it becomes obvious that two opposing sides will never meet in the middle, agree to declare a moratorium on certain topics. For instance, decide that when you get together, you will not talk about politics, or religion, or whatever subject incites contention between you. And if the other person tries to sneak in a comment or two anyway, just change the subject.

Each of you must decide what is more important: winning an argument or keeping the peace in the family.

The answer seems obvious.